Sunday, March 6, 2011

Condom Ads - Marketing themselves

Some specific products require very little marketing compared to others, these are products that we like to say sell themselves. Some specific examples of this are beer, food, and nearly anything involving sex. Experts predict basic human instincts may come into play when determining what people pay attention to in these ads. One specific product we'll showcase today is condoms. Whether you're trying to prevent from having a baby or staying safe from sexually transmitted infections, condoms always have a quick and simple message to send to the customer. Here are some basic facts always pushed in the most popular condom ads of 2009:
  • At least 75 million Americans have a sexually transmitted infection-that's 1 in 4 adults.
  • Always use a condom, going without one puts you and your partner at risk.
  • You can get a number of infections from unprotected oral sex. 
  • 1 in 5 newly infected individuals with HIV in the US has a drug resistant strain of the virus.

Here's a series of ads demonstrating just how simple most condom ads are:


  1. Where are these ads from? I know they definitely would not be able to play in Canada. Followed!

  2. Yeah ads like these would only show after certain times in my country

  3. those pics are delicious :p

  4. I don't think its legal to show these ads on television in my country.

  5. Some of them look like its male-on-male...

  6. I don't think I've seen any condom ads in a long time

  7. ha ha ha wish the UK had ads like this!

  8. I like the ones with Hitler, Osama, and random Dictators as sperm and then just a condom in the corner.

  9. Haha, they're very daring. But I suppose they grab your attention.
